County of Song Singing Champions

Celebrating Grassroots Leaders in Music

At County of Song, we are passionate about championing individuals across Lancashire who make singing opportunities flourish in their local communities. These individuals, from musical directors and accompanists to committee members and fundraisers, play a vital role in supporting singing activities. Week after week, they create positive and powerful change by bringing people together through music, fostering health, wellbeing, and community spirit.

Singing champions come from diverse backgrounds and embody the true spirit of collaboration and community. They lead groups that use music to improve mental health, combat isolation, and make singing accessible to all. Their contributions are invaluable to the cultural fabric of Lancashire.

Announcing Our First Cohort of Lancashire Community Singing Champions

We are thrilled to introduce the Lancashire Community Singing Champions, a remarkable group of individuals who are leading the way in community singing across the county. Their dedication to fostering community cohesion through music is making a real difference in their local areas. County of Song will work alongside these champions to amplify their work and support their continued growth.

Meet Our Singing Champions

Hussnain Hanif – Leading Nasheed singing practitioner, Nasheed Choir, and Lancashire Music Service.

Hussnain is a Nasheed exponent, TV and radio broadcaster, and pioneer of the Nasheed Choir, Hussnain bridges Western and Islamic musical traditions. His work has inspired young people and communities across Lancashire and beyond.

Jayne Kelly – Connect Community CIC.

Jayne is the co-founder of Connect Community Choir, Jayne has spent over three decades empowering people to access creative communities, particularly focusing on breaking isolation and improving mental health.


Phill Fairhurst – Connect Community and Electric Pink Voices.

Phill is the Musical Director of Connect Community Choirs and leader of the Electric Pink Voices, Phill creates inclusive spaces for LGBTQ+ members and allies, providing a creative outlet that promotes mental health and community connection.

Tanya Lawrence and Jackie Speight – Women Rockin’ Harmony and Fylde Coast Veterans Choir.

Through Women Rockin’ Harmony, Tanya and Jackie lead a choir that combines song and movement for women of Blackpool and Fylde, and they have also launched the Fylde Coast Veterans Choir, helping veterans transfer skills into a musical setting.

Ryan Dixon – Singing for the Brain, Rossendale Memory Choir, “Forget Me Not” Singing Group.

Leading Alzheimer’s Society’s “Singing for the Brain” groups, Ryan uses music to engage with individuals with dementia, creating joyful spaces for participants to connect and express themselves.

Nominate a Singing Champion for Our Second Cohort!

Do you know someone in your neighbourhood who deserves to be recognised as a Lancashire Community Singing Champion? We are seeking nominations for our second cohort of champions – individuals and groups who use singing to improve health, tackle loneliness, reflect Lancashire’s diversity, or make singing more accessible in innovative ways.

Each month, we will continue to share the inspiring stories of our singing champions and support them in expanding their impact. Nomination is easy!

Simply complete a nomination form and submit it online.

Or, if you prefer, you can download a copy of the nomination form below and return it to

Nomination forms can be completed at any time.

Together, let’s celebrate the power of community singing and the people making it happen!