About Arts Lancashire

Arts Lancashire is the strategic voice for the county’s independent arts and culture sector; a sector of 1,255 experienced arts professionals across 255 businesses, including eighteen National Portfolio Organisations (NPOs), two Creative People and Places Projects (CPPs), a Regional Music Hub, a Rural Touring Network, and thousands of freelance artists and producers.

There are lots of aspects to our work, but what we really do is keep Lancashire artists and arts organisations connected to, and engaged in, the local, regional and national conversations about how the arts are valued and supported, providing opportunities to expand their knowledge and skills, and to input into the discussion, research and policy making that impacts their work and affects their livelihoods.

We do this because we believe an independent professional arts sector is vital to a vibrant, confident and successful Lancashire.

As a voluntary body made up of representatives from each of Lancashire’s sub-regional arts partnerships and arts collectives, partnership working is at the core of everything we do. We’re glad to work in partnership with Lancashire County Council, Creative Lancashire, Digital Lancashire, and Marketing Lancashire, amongst many others, and we’re always open to developing new partnerships which will help us to better support Lancashire’s independent arts sector.

HUG by Verity Standen for Derelict



Alex O’Toole, Director, Good Creator

